Engaging Journeys, Engaged Journalism

Author Archives: Taran March

Hello? Planet of Lost Cell Phones?

Rethinking our love ’em and leave ’em attitude toward cell phones Ah, the ubiquitous cell phone. So versatile. So indispensable. So short-lived. We make 1 billion of them every year because we can’t live without them, yet we cast them aside every 18 months on average. They collect in heaps and shipping containers around the […]

The Road Not Taken

Lukewarm about cars, young consumers pose a marketing riddle for automakers You’ve gassed her up, you’re behind the wheel, with your arm around your sweetheart in your Oldsmobile . . . —Tom Waits If you were in the business of selling a popular dream—say, freedom, status, and mobility—and you began to notice your customers’ dreams […]

What Color is Your Organization?

Frederic Laloux is a Galileo for our time. And he’s definitely deep, deep teal. Not every idea threatens change to the status quo, but those that do are met with a fairly predictable response: attention, which can diverge into derision or fascination; resistance; and sometimes, acceptance. I just finished reading a book that’s bound to […]

The Evolution of Electronic Angst

  Which came first, the technocentric parent or her plugged-in child? During a recent holiday debriefing with a friend, I learned that a colleague of hers was feeling guilty because she and her husband were unable to afford an iPad for their daughter. Nodding and sipping tea, I was vaguely sympathizing while trying on the […]