Engaging Journeys, Engaged Journalism

Monthly Archives: June 2011

Names and True Names

Bird watcher, naturalist, and busily retired American Studies professor from the University of California, Davis, David Wilson has been a solid citizen of Chico and environs for more than two decades now. He is currently at work on a collection of essays, poems, maps, and sketches that chronicle his journey from Minnesota boyhood to a […]

On the Road, Part 1

Before I start gassing on again about any number of things — including just what it is we’re trying to do with Up the Road — let me introduce this week’s issue. The main reason to write this every week or so, after all, is to let you know there’s something new on the site. […]

Road Noise I: Unchanging Waters

Earlier this year I moved to an idyllic rural neighborhood close to Lake Oroville. From my desk I see out onto a big pond and cow pastures through the branches of a big blue oak. A few weeks ago I looked up to see a Swainson’s Hawk perched on a jagged branch, 20 feet away, […]