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Category Archives: Road Noise

Powering Down, Downsizing & Drilling Down

Buildings use more energy than any other aspect of modern human life. The energy used to keep the lights, heat and air conditioning on — both at home and work — is responsible for about 40 percent of carbon emissions generated in the U.S. Two very different trends have arisen to radically revise this energy […]

Postcard From Vermont

Some folks have such a kindly way of poking even sore points that you end up wanting to thank them. With that general observation we happily introduce our new Green Mountains correspondent, Cindy Hill, who sends her first Postcard from Vermont. There’s not much question that Cindy is a great writer. She’s also an obsessed […]

On the Road, Part 1

Before I start gassing on again about any number of things — including just what it is we’re trying to do with Up the Road — let me introduce this week’s issue. The main reason to write this every week or so, after all, is to let you know there’s something new on the site. […]

Road Noise I: Unchanging Waters

Earlier this year I moved to an idyllic rural neighborhood close to Lake Oroville. From my desk I see out onto a big pond and cow pastures through the branches of a big blue oak. A few weeks ago I looked up to see a Swainson’s Hawk perched on a jagged branch, 20 feet away, […]