Engaging Journeys, Engaged Journalism

Author Archives: Roger Lederer

Can You Name That Bird?

Noted Expert Shares Birdwatching Basics, and Introduces Local Birds You’re Likely to Meet Timely Excerpts from The Birds of Bidwell Park, Written by Roger Lederer & Illustrated by Carol Burr Many cities point to their open spaces as very special, but Bidwell Park is really the jewel in the crown of Chico. A very distinctive […]

Uganda Ecotourism Trek: Gorillas and Guerillas

Editor’s Note: If the world’s determination to save the imperiled mountain gorillas succeeds, it will be a sustainability success story—what the International Gorilla Conservation Programme refers to as “integrated efforts in enterprise, environment, and equity” based on ecotourism-funded community development work. Ecotourism, which offers economic development options beyond subsistence slash-and-burn agriculture, is generally considered to […]